A Pakeha Party is a win win

Either way you view a Pakeha Party is a win for the Pakeha.

1) If you think it racist, then so must the Maori parties be also, which is what many Pakeha hasve been saying all along. This is the reason it exists, to bring balance using the current system of undesirable racially based political parties.

2) If you think it is not racist and instead fills a need, then you would be right, because it is actually not about Pakeha first, it is about Pakeha as equals. You see, nobody has asked Pakeha how they feel about living in a society where they are not quite equal. So it was left up to Social Media and the Web instead to let the people have their say.

Either way you view this, a Pakeha Party whether real or conceptual brings about conversation on these issues where it wasn’t before.

3) If you foolishly say, that the Pakeha Party is racist and the Maori Party is not, then that just shows your lack of basic logic and shows that you are in fact the racist because this stance is is ironically prejudice. Further, The idea of a Pakeha Party is about fighting for equality for all, not supremacy for some. Whereas the Maori parties are fighting for something greater than equality for themselves. They are fighting for privilege at the expense of all other people groups in New Zealand. They want to be more equal than all others. This is of course an oxymoron because greater equality than everyone else is not equality at all is it? In short such a view is racist.

So please, spare me this lame argument and stick to being logical so we can all have an intelligent discussion instead of discussing silly oxymorons and misguided ideals based on race. Race based is racist.

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