United we stand, divided we fall

I believe that all races are equal and should have equal ruling in the law as well as equal opportunities. Yet when people mention this point in discussions pertaining to Maori privilege, they are then often accused of  being racist. I would honestly like an explanation from someone about this. How is the belief that all races are equal and that all races should be subject to the same laws and privileges make that view racist? I just don’t get it. Can someone enlighten me on this.

United we standMy personal  belief that all races are equal carries across to any country and time. My belief regarding Apartheid in South Africa for example was exactly the same. I believed back then that it was wrong to give one race special privilege at the expense of other races. Even Nelson Mandela who had every excuse to hate Whites was fair in his dealings post Apartheid. Instead of giving his own racial group more privilege he set about forging a new South Africa where all were equal. He even embraced the Springbox , a team that was considered a part of the Apartheid era. This is what is possible when a man is not consumed in hate.

Yet in good old God’s Own New Zealand, the ‘all races are equal’ stance is vigorously opposed. It seems that New Zealand society is moving toward the racist belief that some races are more equal than others. Sorry, but this oxymoron is totally moronic. Promoting the idea that one race gets special privilege over another is just Apartheid plain and simple. Once that horrid system is in place, it will divide a country down the middle. And as that wise old saying goes, “united we stand, divided we fall”.

What do you think? Do you agree with me? If not, then what is your explanation or best argument for Maori privilege at the expense of all other racial groups in New Zealand? I look forward to your views. But before you give me the view that Maori were here first, I would like to remind you that Aryan Germans and other Caucasians were first in Germany or at least before Jews and other races besides Caucasians. So that view isn’t going to wash with me because who thinks White Germans should get special privileged over Jews or other immigrants in German society? I know some would agree with that too, but I am not with you on this and nor am I with anyone who thinks New Zealand should have something similar even of it is not as extreme.

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