Hone awakens a sleeping giant

Hone Harawira has had a big impact in New Zealand politics.

His first major contribution was to divide the Maori Party in two and consequently putting Maori at a disadvantage in winning seats.

His second contribution was to awaken Pakeha to fight against race-based policies and strive to replace these with laws and policies for all people of New Zealand. So instead of focussing on a leg up or handouts to Maori, help should be given to the poor or those who need financial assistance, no matter if you are Maori, Pakeha, Pacific Islander, or Asian.

His comment on television about building low cost houses for Maori is the straw that broke the camel’s back and led to the creation of the popular Pakeha Party Facebook page as well as bringing Maori and Pakeha rights to the forefront.

It just goes to show you that for every action there is a reaction and sometimes the reaction is bigger than the action. Thanks Hone.

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