A foolish system for correcting benefits of past white priviledge

Dinesh D'Souza

This video shows a privileged American college kid who advocates for wealth redistribution using a new system to address the injustice of certain white people today.  He makes the point that these privileges were not available to African Americans, thus they were and still are being disadvantaged today as a result. However the speaker Dinesh D’Souza has other ideas and points out the hypocrisy in this young SJW’s (social justice warrior) argument.

D’Souza notes that the SJW hasn’t given up his own wealth, advantage, or seat at the college he attends to someone less privileged than himself. D’Souza continues by saying that personal action should be taken first, then others might believe and follow his example. Instead it seems that the SJW wants action to be taken elsewhere rather than make sacrifices himself.

The SJW’s argument if taken seriously would in all likelihood require an agency with the power to re-allocate wealth and resources which is tantamount to creating another Soviet Union that nobody really wants. Yet this young SJW may well spend the best years of his life fighting for this Leftist economic system and in the instance that he got what he wanted, he would likely end up being silenced by the very system he helped create.

Of course it is well known that taking profits from the productive class and distributing it to a political class lead to poverty, because it kills any incentive toward production and reward. These kinds of socialist conditions end up leading to suffering as eventually there would not be enough wealth to help the underprivileged, old, and sick. In fact it is the Free Market System that is more efficient at helping the poor and vulnerable because it generates more wealth which in-turn provides a bigger pool of funds for the government and other organisations to draw upon.

While this video is about so-called White Privilege, D’Souza points out universal truths that apply very much to New Zealand society today regarding Maori-Pakeha relations and redress from past injustices. D’Souza gives the example of native Americans who demand land that they themselves stole from other native American tribes through conquest. His argument is applicable for New Zealand in the face of Maori demands for land from which they themselves gained through conquest.

Dinesh D’Souza DESTROYS Leftist College Students Arguments

Guy Williams Interviews The Pakeha Party

While this video is funny, creative, and generally well done, there is an underlying message, it goes something like this.

  • How dare you stand up for Pakeha rights. How dare you want everyone in New Zealand to be equal.
  • The fact that you stand up Pakeha means you must be uneducated, and us elites including Maori don’t like you bro.
  • There are a lot of people both Maori and Pakeha that hate you bro because you are giving Pakeha a voice. How dumb are you. Only Maori are allowed a voice.

And poor Guy Williams, because he has been brought up in New Zealand society to believe that there is something wrong with giving Pakeha a voice. (I am assuming he is Pakeha).

All that aside, it is entertaining, so enjoy it for what it is worth. I know I had a good laugh.