Guy Williams Interviews The Pakeha Party

While this video is funny, creative, and generally well done, there is an underlying message, it goes something like this.

  • How dare you stand up for Pakeha rights. How dare you want everyone in New Zealand to be equal.
  • The fact that you stand up Pakeha means you must be uneducated, and us elites including Maori don’t like you bro.
  • There are a lot of people both Maori and Pakeha that hate you bro because you are giving Pakeha a voice. How dumb are you. Only Maori are allowed a voice.

And poor Guy Williams, because he has been brought up in New Zealand society to believe that there is something wrong with giving Pakeha a voice. (I am assuming he is Pakeha).

All that aside, it is entertaining, so enjoy it for what it is worth. I know I had a good laugh.

David Ruck gets abused

There is certainly a lot of misunderstanding and ill feeling out there regarding the Pakeha Party as this video shows. However, I would like to know why equality for all is threatening to anyone.