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This site provides a platform for Pakeha to voice their concerns over New Zealand’s race-based policies. The idea for this site was conceived back in the time when the Seabed and Foreshore Act was changed. Due to an increased amount of public complaining toward assistance to race rather than those in need, this site was envisaged as a place where people could talk openly about such issues.

The mission for this site is simple. To try and change New Zealand into a country with one people who are all equal and have equal opportunities. The only reason we want to see a Pakeha Party of some kind succeed is to counter the Maori agenda. Due to current race-based political parties, the idea of a future Pakeha Party is really a forced move to bring in some balance.

Of course some will think this site is promoting racism. To those I say, “your opinion would also mean that the Maori Party and Mana Party are also racist”. If a Pakeha Party is racist and Maori parties are not, then you are being hypocritical.

However, the reality is that while these current race-based parties look out for their race only, the Pakeha Party or movement is not about promoting Pakeha privilege, rather countering the Maori agenda and trying to bring New Zealand to a fair and equal society for all, and under the same law . It is really about all New Zealanders including Maori, being equal with same privileges and opportunities. How could that be considered racist. It is in fact the exact opposite and that you cannot argue against.

The idea is, if we are going to give a leg up to anyone, then focus on the poor instead. If you argue ‘many Maori are poor so what is the difference, then I make the point that we should help people because they are in poverty, not because of their race. The wider reality here is that there are also poor Pakeha, Pacific Islanders, Asians, and other groups too. Help people because they are poor, not because they are Maori. How can you argue against that?

Perhaps in the distant future, New Zealand may finally get its act together and move forward as one people. However naive that statement is, so long as race-based parties exist and there is the financial possibility of extracting money from tax payers, Pakeha are now forced to create a political movement to provide balance and fair representation for all New Zealand citizens. To that end, we also support other groups voicing their concerns too if they are not comfortable as identifying themselves as Pakeha or Maori. There are a number of interpretations of the word Pakeha, some say it is non-Maori, others think it is exclusively White or European. I leave that up to each person.

In order to help New Zealand toward equal rights for all races, this website will link to other sites that have the same vision. We do not wish to compete with these other sites but to promote them in order for people to find other resources out there with the same goal.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Sitting at a bar in Christchurch with my USA hat on, the table of blokes next to me said loudly and proudly “New Zealand is the LEAST racist country in the world” to which I wanted to reply “but your country has RACE RELATED POLITICAL PARTIES making it RACIST from the TOP DOWN but, I didn’t feel like getting my head kicked in by a bunch of brainwashed socialists that day fro being logically correct so I refrained.

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