The government’s constitutional review is a major threat to New Zealand’s democracy. A biased constitutional advisory panel and a consultation process that locks out non-Maori and threatens to permanently put power and privilege into the hands of the tribal elite.
This urgent threat to our future is quietly building momentum while most people are unaware of what is at stake.
The constitutional advisory panel – an initiative of the Maori Party fronting for the tribal elite – has embarked on a similar consultation process to that used to pass the atrocious Marine and Coastal Area Bill into law. $4 million will be spent over the next 12 months to convince the public that we need a new ‘written’ constitution to enshrine the Treaty of Waitangi as superior law. A new constitution would give un-elected Judges supreme power over our elected Members of Parliament.
If we do nothing, under this new regime, non-Maori New Zealanders will become second class citizens in their own land. All attempts to impose a race-based future on New Zealand – through a “written” constitution embracing the Treaty – should be strongly opposed, by supporting a campaign to:
- SAVE OUR CONSTITUTION as it stands, and
- sign a DECLARATION OF EQUALITY to reject outright race-based laws.
(Note: Link no longer valid)