But you don’t mind using the benefits of Northern hemisphere technology, do you…….benefits you use in every single daily aspect of your lives.
It’s a fact that ‘maori’ have actually invented/discovered absolutely nothing technological.
They have been instrumental in finding new processes and solutions to various scientific and academic problems and deserve kudos for that, but never invented anything.
No-one else here seems to mind sharing, in fact everyone except ‘maori’ sees the population of NZ as one people – New Zealanders, an ability which seems to have escaped ‘maori’. ….
And then read why the TOW was written and agreed upon in the first place; it was to protect you all from yourselves, from raiding, from being sold by various tribes into slavery, from being cannibalised by neighbours, protection from various other nations who coveted these isles who would have given you a damn site worse treatment than you ever got from the British.
No-one cares who was here first, all most people want to do is simply discover the truth of who else has been here in the long history of these isles.
All ‘maori’ have done since gaining protection and equality is whinge about it, twist NZ history, claim everything in sight, change the meaning of words to suit, and squeeze as much money from the country as possible to the point where now our hospitals, health and housing are in jeopardy due to the lack of available government funding.
And the ‘squeezed’ money doesn’t even trickle down to the average ‘maori’ either – it stays in the hands of tribal elite. Well done….
By Paddy John